4. Parallel executionΒΆ
The library allows a simple parallelization of recipe processing. The parallelization is done using independent processes and thus does not depend on parallelization features in the CPL or the recipe implementation.
To specify that a recipe should be executed in the background, the threaded attribute needs to be set to True. This may be done either in the recipe constructor, as a recipe attribute or as a parameter of the execution call. Each of the following three recipes will start a background process for the BIAS calculation:
# Create a threaded recipe
r1 = cpl.Recipe('muse_bias', threaded = True)
result1 = r1([ 'bias1.fits', 'bias2.fits', 'bias3.fits'])
# Prepare a recipe for background execution
r2 = cpl.Recipe('muse_bias')
r2.threaded = True
result2 = r2([ 'bias1.fits', 'bias2.fits', 'bias3.fits'])
# Execute a recipe in background
r3 = cpl.Recipe('muse_bias')
result3 = r3([ 'bias1.fits', 'bias2.fits', 'bias3.fits'], threaded = True)
If the threaded attribute is set to True, the execution call of the recipe immediately returns while the recipe is executed in the background. The current thread is stopped only if any of the results of the recipe is accessed and the recipe is still not finished.
The result frame of a background recipe is a subclass of threading.Thread. This interface may be used to control the thread execution.
The simples way to use parallel processing is to create a list where the members are created by the execution of the recipe. The following example shows the parallel execution of the ‘muse_focus’ recipe:
muse_focus = cpl.Recipe('muse_focus', threaded = True)
muse_focus.calib.MASTER_BIAS = 'master_bias.fits'
# Create a list of input files
files = [ 'MUSE_CUNGC%02i.fits' % i for i in range(20, 30) ]
# Create a list of recipe results. Note that for each entry, a background
# process is started.
results = [ muse_focus(f) for f in files ]
# Save the results. The current thread is stopped until the according
# recipe is finished.
for i, res in enumerate(results):
res.FOCUS_TABLE.writeto('FOCUS_TABLE_%02i.fits' % (i+1))
When using parallel processing note that the number of parallel processes is not limited by default, so this feature may produce a high load when called with a large number of processes. Parallelization in the recipe itself or in the CPL may also result in additional load.
To limit the maximal number of parallel processes, the function cpl.Recipe.set_maxthreads() can be called with the maximal number of parallel processes. Note that this function controls only the threads that are started afterwards.
If the recipe execution fails, the according exception will be raised whenever one of the results is accessed.
Recipes may contain an internal parallelization using the openMP interface. Although it is recommended to leave them untouched, they may be changed via environment variable settungs in the cpl.Recipe.env attribute. See http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libgomp/Environment-Variables.html for a list of environment variables.